| Author News Literary Mama: “That risk resonates for me.”Print – Published by Literary Mama on January 10, 2018Marianne Lonsdale talked with Laura about her writing life. “I’m concerned with two risks for my novels. The first is that people will dislike the story and criticize my writing. I’m in for this risk; I’ll take that on. The second risk is that I’m writing about experiences that mirror someone else’s real life. If I get those experiences wrong, will my errors hurt a reader? . . .” KNPR: “Exploring a history of racism in Las Vegas”Radio – Published by KNPR - Las Vegas on May 28, 2017“I’m not trying in these books to reveal one character or one life. I’m trying to come up with an image for the whole thing. That we’re all on this planet together and we touch and intersect and influence and interact with each other.” Las Vegas Review-Journal: “Explosive and beautiful possibilities”Print, Video – Published by Las Vegas Review-Journal on May 27, 2017John Przybys talks with Laura about the experience she hopes her readers have. In the video, she says, “I get to step into another human being’s world.” WGNA: “To see the world out of someone else’s eyes”Radio – Published by Capital Region Sunday, WGNA 107.7, Albany on May 24, 2017Steve Richards asks Laura about a novel that is “brilliantly conceived and passionately written.” WCBS: “I wonder who else has been in this nightclub”Radio – Published by WCBS 880, New York on May 23, 2017Lisa Tschernkowitsch notes that “love for a child, and also the love that a child has for a mother, really pulls everyone together” in ‘Round Midnight. Choose to Be Curious: “A chance to empathize”Radio – Published by WERA "Choose to Be Curious" on May 17, 2017Laura tells friend and host Lynn Borton that “curiosity has this flipped quality . . . it is bigger than just wanting to know . . . it’s a chance to empathize.” Access Utah: “We have to love each other”Radio – Published by Utah Public Radio on May 16, 2017Tom Williams and Laura continue a conversation about writing, and living in modern America. Laura claims, “There’s another path, and I live in it.” KVSF: “Beautifully written and a great story”Radio – Published by KSF - Santa Fe on May 5, 2017Santa Fe radio personality Richard Eeds and Laura remember an old Vegas, while talking about ‘Round Midnight. Indies Make Me Feel Like Prodigal DaughterPrint – Published by the ABA on June 11, 2014The American Booksellers Association asked me a few questions about writing my first novel, and I got a chance to tell them how much Indie bookstores mean to me. An early interview with KirkusPrint – Published by Kirkus on June 4, 2014 |